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| University of Santo Tomas Nurses Association International (USTNAI) THE ALAY NG PUSO FACE MASK PROJECT On behalf of the USTNAI Board and the members at large, allow me to salute all the nurses who are on the frontlines for persevering and continuing to flatten the curve during this pandemic. Amidst the mounting fears and workload, now more than ever you have consistently shown your commitment to your nursing oath. The disruption created by the pandemic despite the stringent measures in place, the cases have continued to surge whether here or in the Philippines (to date the cases have surpassed the 26,000 mark per day). Social distancing is our first line of defense against the Coronavirus. And most of us have already been vaccinated for covid-19. However, if we are going to go outside, we are still encouraged to wear a facemask. On that note, we are re-launching our “Alay ng Puso” Mask Project. As we wear this facemask, we are helping to raise funds for our outreach programs. We will continue to help the UST Frontliners who are currently battling the continued surge of COVID-19 cases in Manila. This project is also a fundraising for the UST nursing students who were affected by the devastating economic impact of this pandemic. Let us Save our Students (SOS)! And more importantly, this community outreach event is also in commemoration of the UST College of Nursing 75th Anniversary celebration. So, as we join in solidarity with our frontline nurses and our nursing students, we are proudly presenting the new Face Mask version of “Nurses with Excellence in Heart” Please help us keep the nursing flames burning by supporting this Project! Here is the link to order our facemask: Dan Bernal USTNAI President, 2021-2022 # AlayngPuso #ExcellenceAndHeart #ustnaiforward |